Diario Catarinense
The Audio dude from Second-Life
Antonio Teoli, 22 years old, is a sound designer for games. In other words, he's responsible for the game's soundtrack. Whether it's the terrifying sound you hear when facing danger or the noise of a gunshot, it's all his responsibility.
Isolated by the acoustics of the small room where he works, preferably without shoes, Antonio spends hours trying to come up with those catchy tunes that stick in your head. To do this, he relies on a guitar, a keyboard, and, of course, a computer.
To match the sound to each game, he needs to play and let his imagination run wild. With so much technology, it might seem strange, but sometimes, like in the radio era, he still uses an umbrella to create the sound of a bat's wings, for example. He has already created soundtracks for more than 500 avatars in Second Life and several console games like Master System and Mega Drive.
He recalls that since childhood, he loved playing video games. His passion for games competed with his love for musical instruments. At seven, he started playing the piano, then moved on to the tuba, guitar, mandolin, bass, and acoustic guitar. Back then, he couldn't have imagined that he would combine his two favorite hobbies and turn them into a career.